Podcasting is not easy... 😩

Oh man, this is a quite hard topic to discuss for me...

So, you probably know that I run a podcast called The Anxious Developer. I used to publish an episode a month and that was going well until me and my fiancee got both Covid-19.

After that, I took quite a long break from writing blogs and recording new podcast episodes due to low energy and also personal errands I had to take care of...

Now, that I am kinda back to writing these blog articles, I want to get back to recording new episodes, but to be honest, it's been quite hard to motivate myself to do it.

I feel like people don't even listen to it, so why bother and continue. Of course, I know that things like this require time, patience and consistency, but also I lost some passion for it compared to when I started. I guess I liked before recording podcasts more...

I don't want to give up early so I will try to record a new episode this weekend. Wish me luck 😩

Until then, I wish you guys a great day and remember to take time to do something for yourself this week! 🌼

p.s 🤫 I recently started a podcast called The Anxious Developer where I share my knowledge on how to reduce your stress, become more present and productive as a Developer. I would love to hear your thoughts on it! 😊

Remember, you are worthy, you are loved and you matter! Have a great day! ❤️